Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Tammy Campbell El Paso Texas,

Web Design, Photography, Artist

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

Consultant, Coach, Recovery,

Mother, Daughter, Grandmother,

Wife, Woman, Wise, Wonderful

             Life After Money                  Part V    Hurricane Spirits and the Halloween Souljacker.                Index        Sound Track  Home


My Dreams, Your Dreams

 The Vision

Robbie recalled how he dreamed of traveling a highway as the traffic in front of him sped ahead and motorcycle police accelerated to keep up with the congestion and his spirit left the roadway to move through a mostly abandoned yet evil area of dirt roads where he eventually turned around and rode back and then turned again on his after life journey and eventually worked his way through much desolation to a small town where the inhabitants resided as they could go no further. The community was squalid and the spirit people had nothing. The voice of a woman asked him: “will you be staying with us?” and he replied: “No but there are many coming behind me who will rent space from you” his response communicated via thought transference brought forth no further reply.  He departed out of the ghost town to the other side and remained on the true road but still an extreme distance from the land of promise.


3. Rare Earth-The Best of-1995.2.3


My Bank Your Bank


Warren’s Waterloo

What was most troubling though to Robbie was the timing of certain previous events regarding the Banking and Bank of America more specifically like when the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffet invested over $5B of Berkshire Hathaway money on warrants to purchase preferred Bank of America shares at a strike price of approx. $7.13 and or earn a guaranteed return of 6% on his loot.


Uncle Warren’s announcement after meditating one evening while sitting in the bathtub caught many in the investment community by surprise. Yes the stock did receive a quiet reprieve but quickly tanked again within a few weeks when the government announced a suit naming seventeen domestic and international banks for mortgage transactions involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Robbie thought to himself: “I seem to remember that both Freddie and Fannie knew these assets were toxic when they purchased them; in fact they were instructed as buyers of last resort to hold these toxic assets on their balance sheets for up to like twenty years until the value of this portfolio was to return”. But more troubling to Robbie was how Warren Buffet an early big supporter of Barack Obama, was not spared the union double cross as his stake in BAC tanked. Robbie thought: “Wasn’t it Warren Buffet who said you don’t know who is swimming naked until the tide rolls out!”


Was the President throwing Warren into the canal by not advising him regarding risking such a huge amount of private capital at risk in this transaction? Robbie knew that Warren Buffett didn’t live in a vacuum but maybe he reasoned the President did and inadvertently let Warren and his investment slip through the cracks and since Mr. Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway capital were subjected to losses in relation to the Bank of America warrants all hell seemed to break loose at the Bank.


First there was the demotions and firings of upper managers some of whom had increased performance for the bank year over year with tidy profits, and then the bombshell that Bank of America was terminating an additional thirty thousand {30,000} associate positions in addition to the ten thousand {10,000} previously announced a month prior with at least fifty percent of the pink slips to be delivered in California with the Bank closing up to half of its branches in the Golden State.


Was Brian Moynihan now subject to the whims of Warren Buffett who was determined to recover his investment at the expense of thousands of jobs in already heartsick California? Robbie thought after all, what changed in the last month? Either the affected bank branches were profitable or not and if they weren’t profitable and Warren Buffet had to show Brian Moynihan where he was losing money then maybe Brian Moynihan wasn’t up to the job and should be immediately replaced and if they were closing profitable branches through compression to get more with less then their crucial deposit base of customers may or may not adhere to the banks experiment to move virtually all customer transactions onto the ATM network and away from those addictively gorgeous tellers to test their noble experiment.


The bottom line was that the stock was within a dollar or two of dipping under the five dollar a share price and if it did close below five dollars per share on any given day then many large institutions would be required by their bylaws to dump BAC where upon the bears shorting this company may have their way with this bank, the equity holders experiencing the most pain possibly by design as the stock price is pile driven to zero which may have been previously anointed outcome by the government in a controlled demolition of a to large to fail institution with six month mortgage delinquencies amounting to more than half of Bank of America’s market cap which is more than twice the amount held by its four largest competitors combined or an eye popping $64B [120] resulting in the implementation of mortgage stuffing [121] causing prices to rise momentarily for the fourth or so recent dead cat bounce in the housing market while BAC stock hovers around $12.00 or a 100% gain from 2012 to 2013 and if not then this bank may be the first casualty and a lasting testimonial to the iron rule of unintended consequences of Dodd Frank and premeditation by design to zero out the equity holders of The Bank of America.


When the bank was liquidated the extreme number of underwater mortgages on their book would be snapped up for peanuts by other banks providing incentives for the new holder’s of this debt/asset class to forgive some of the principal amounts providing at least a partial floor underneath the housing market as a whole since bank of America owned and serviced approximately twenty percent of the total market.


In essence the government might be sacrificing the largest bank in the United States via controlled demolition to bring some desperately needed price stability to the housing market and by proxy to save the economy at large through orderly debt destruction on the backs of the shareholders, bondholders and employees of Bank of America. Yes Robbie thought: “the closing of so many California branches of BAC was simply a poker tell of the future of the bank.” Just then a beautiful pure white seagull with a branch in its mouth symbolizing hope flew out toward the open sea maybe on a mission from Almighty God to revive the spirit of some stranded boaters that land was near and maybe the spirit of the bank was to be revived as well with the adjudication of Obama Care or the affordable healthcare act and the iron rule of unintended consequences that Bank of American could simply jettison their employer paid healthcare contributions to some or all of their 282,000 employees pay the $3K fine per employee and instantly add between $800M to $2.2B [116] to their bottom line while effectively dumping their employees into the yet to be enacted Medicaid plus insurance exchanges. As Benjamin Franklin was once reported to have said: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Wise words indeed as are words: “For whatever a man reaps he shall sow.” Galatians 6:7 and a cross reference that: “As I have observed those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.” Job 4:8 [117]


The practical effect of Obama Care may be that the marriage of health insurance as offered by business may end in divorce. These laws were originally championed by Otto Van Bismarck the Chancellor when Germany adopted an old age social insurance program in 1884 and sickness insurance adopted a year prior. The Germans added unemployment insurance in 1927. [118]


The counter intuitive view of this situation is that the Democrats are able to complete the dirty work of the Republicans to elevate the competitive nature of American Big Business through the transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars of expense from their collective balance sheets to their middle class workers duping their own supporters like Denice Sepulveda a single mother with two children that a Medicaid Plus Exchange equates to Aetna insurance all with the approving nod of Uncle Warren.


The dirty little secret of the empire of Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway contrary to the perfectly coifed image of some elderly benevolent Mark Twainy gentleman strumming the Ukulele and nibbling on popsicles in front of legions of mesmerized shareholders at the annual convention in Omaha remains that Warren Buffett is more akin in behavior to the Killer Whale like the ones lurking somewhere out there in front of Robbie at this very moment; and if such a whale slammed into your boat or turned it over by happenstance or more likely intention then you were going to die or at least lose your job and life savings in the process especially if you were a lowly employee on the corporate seafood chain.


Warren Buffet in making Berskhire Hathaway a six-figure plus stock had previously destroyed the lives of countless employees in his haste to streamline acquisitions and gin up profits and now Warren was caught in a trap of his own making like Napoleon at Waterloo.


What Mr. Buffet didn’t count on was his friend in the White House slamming the door behind him in his foray into Bank of America less than two weeks after he stacked five billion of investor money on the table and pushed it over to the other side. Although President Obama had previously intentionally alienated almost everyone else who has entered his orbit mostly through his mental incongruity, ruthless selfishness, and leanings on his leftist soul mate Valerie Jarrett. Warren thought he was different in essence that he was terminally unique. And now there was little doubt that Warren Buffet was calling the Bank of America shots from behind the scenes tossing everything overboard on this sinking ship that wasn’t nailed down all in an effort to somehow right the ship and at least guide it to a deserted island or any port in this economic storm before it sank and with it his earthly treasure. The first mate was perched on deck searching through his scope for sea monsters and muttering under rum laced breath: “Monyihan is toast!”


Robbie walked the length of the pier leaned against the side of his yacht and started laughing thinking of how both Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey who each made billions from their hard nosed capitalistic ventures yet only one remained ready to volunteer for service to promote the second term of one Barack Obama with Warren Buffett organizing a thirty five thousand dollar a plate dinner and fundraiser while Oprah hemorrhaging other peoples cash from OWN and now so desperate for programming they she was willing to sign the self destructive Rosie O’Donnell for a prime time talk show that ultimately would backfire badly for this fledging network. Oprah was to busy saving herself to render assistance to the anarchist in chief.


Robbie began to laugh so hard he leaned on the side of the boat and it began to shift away from him. He quickly righted himself so as not to fall into the water. He wondered why such hard core capitalists turned to mush when it came to their political leanings. Maybe it represented a cheap way to assuage their guilt for all the people they trampled over on their way to their man made promised land and perch in the world of big shot stardom that was so difficult to maintain and where after your death no one would ever remember you even existed, only God; The very God who was an afterthought in their quest for material riches while starving their souls of spiritual food meant for the journey after their death.